How To Create A Nonprofit Donation Form In WordPress?

Are you looking for a way to build nonprofit donation forms in your WordPress site? I will show you the exact steps you need to follow to do so…

There are tons of plugins available in the WordPress plugins repo which you can take help from to build one for you but not all of them works well.

I have already selected one great plugin for this task for you which can make your donation form in just few simple clicks.

Are you excited for the name?

The name of the plugin is “WPForms“. It is the no.1 drag-n-drop form builder for WordPress.

I am using WPForms on all my WordPress blogs and websites to create any kind of forms and I must say, it literally makes easy to create forms.

WPForms offers pre-built templates that save time, you will get some basic fields added already.

So, what are the benefits of having a nonprofit donation form in WordPress site:

  1. Allow Donations: You can build easy to use forms, you supporters will more likely to donate if it’s easy to do.
  2. Simple To Transfer: You can easily integrate payment solutions to your donation forms and easily accept donations.
  3. Seamless To Connect: You can easily customize form fields as per your wish and get more details about the people who donated.

Now let me walk you through, how you can create a nonprofit donation form using WPForms.

Step: 1 Install WPForms In Your Site

First you need WPForms installed in your WordPress site in which you want to create donation form.

You can easily install it by going to Plugins>Add New and search for WPForms” and click on Install then Activate to make it live.


Once WPForms installed successfully, you are ready to create your donation form.

Step: 2 Create A Nonprofit Donation Form

Now go to WPForms>Add New to create a new form.

Next, you need to enter your form name in the top box and select Donation Form template.

Donation form pre-built template comes with basic fields of donation form already added which saves time.

WPForms will create a basic donation form…


Step: 3 Customize Your Nonprofit Donation Form

As I said, WPForms will create a basic donation form for you once you selected the donation form template.

However, you can create your form from scratch also but it will be a time-consuming task because you will need to add every field yourself.

Now you have a donation form with basics fields, you can customize them as per your wish.

You will be seeing following fields on the form:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Donation Amount
  • Comment or Message
  • Submit button

You can add more fields by dragging from the left side panel.

You can also customize any field by clicking on that… You will see some options to customize that particular field on the left hand side panel.

Fields also can be rearranged by dragging them up and down… It is an quite easy task in WPForms.

There is a field that makes a form, a donation form. The field name is Donation Amount. Visitors need to enter the amount they want to donate to you.

You can also use a multiple-choice or drop-down instead. Just drag-n-drop the multiple-choice field from the left side panel.


Click on the Multiple Items field to add an amount for donation and some other settings like the label of the filed.


Donation Amount should be a required field in your donation form, you can easily make it by ticking the required checkbox.


Now you need to customize the Single Item field to display so when users select enter amount option in the domain amount multiple choice field.

Click on the Domain Amount field to make this setting. Now Uncheck the Required box.


Next, scroll down to the Conditions settings. Check the Enable Conditional Login box to activate the Logic Condition settings.

Then select the option Show this field if Donation Amount is Enter Amount, Same like the below image.


Once this setting activated, anytime when a user select Enter Amount to enter the donation amount itself, Donation Amount field will appear.

Step: 4 Configure Donation Form’s General Settings


You can configure the following settings by going to Settings>General Settings.

  • Form Name: You can change your donation form name.
  • Form Description: You can add the form description using this setting.
  • Submit Button Text: By default, your Donation form comes with Submit text on the button because you used a pre-build donation form template, you can check the button text here.
  • Spam Prevention: Do you get spam form entries through your forms placed on your site? WPForms offers amazing features to prevent spam form entries. You can use the Honeypot or Google reCaptcha to prevent spam on your donation form.
  • AJAX Forms: Enable this if you want to not reload the page when a user submits your form.
  • GDPR Enhancements: You can check this if you want to disable the storing of entry information and user details like IP addresses and user agents, to comply with the GDPR.

Step: 5 Notification Settings Of Your Donation Form

WPForms will send you an email notification when a donation is made through your donation form.

Now it’s the time to customize the notification settings. You can also customize by going to Settings>Notifications.


There is the best thing with WPForms, you can also send an email notification to visitors who made a donation to your site using Smart Tags.

Notification Settings

You can click on Show Smart Tags to see the available tags you can use for each filed.

If you want to send the notifications to visitors also then click on Show Smart Tags for Send To Email Address field and choose the Email field.

Step: 6 Configure Confirmations Settings

In the Settings, you will also be seeing the Confirmations settings. You can set the confirmation message or redirect your visitors to any page when they submit the form.

There are three types of Confirmation:

  1. Message: This is set by default by WPForms. If visitors submit your form, a confirmation message will be shown to them. You can customize the message by going to Settings>Confirmations.
  2. Show Page: You can send visitors who submitted the form to any page on your site.
  3. Go To A URL (Redirect): If your confirmation page is hosted anywhere else, not on your site. You can use this confirmation type to redirect form submitter to an outside URL.

Choose a appropriate confirmation type by going to Settings>Confirmation.


Step: 7 Configure Your Donation Form’s Payment Setting (IMPORTANT)

Now the most important part comes in…

For accepting payment through your donation form, you must need to configure payment settings.

In WPForms, you can integrate your donation form for accepting payments with Paypal and Stripe.

Go to Payments and choose the Payment service you want to use, Paypal or Stripe… I will go with the Paypal just to show you how you can configure payments of your Donation forms.

WPForms-Payment-Settings (1)

Check the Enable PayPal Standard payments to enable it…

There are few simple settings that you need to fill to setup payments in your Donation form:

  1. Enter your Paypal email where you want to receive the donations
  2. Choose the Production mode, unless you want to test your form before making it live.
  3. Select Donation as Payment Type dropdown.
  4. Enter the URL where you want to send your visitors if they don’t make payment or it got cancelled.
  5. Select the preferred settings for shipping.
  6. You can allow visitors to include Note if you want.

Once you are done with all the fields in Payments section, click on the Save button to save the changes you made.

Read more: How To Create Payment Forms In WordPress Site Using WPForms?

Step: 8 Add Your Donation Form In Your Website

You have successfully created your donation form, it is completely ready to be placed on your website to start accepting donation.

You can embed your form anywhere in your site using the shortcode.

Let’s see how you can embed your donation form in any post or page. Just create a new page or post if you haven’t created one already for donation or you can simply edit the post/page you want to place the form in.

Click on + icon to add a new block in Gutenberg editor and search for the WPForms.

You will see WPForms section added, now use the Drop-down menu to select the form you want to place.

That’s It! Isn’t it pretty simple?


That it would be — This is how exactly you can create a donation form for your WordPress site and start accepting donations.

It’s too easy to create a donation form in WordPress site using WPForms form builder.

I hope you found this tutorial useful for you if you did then must share it with others and help them in creating a donation form.

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