How To Easily Set Up Form Conversion Tracking In Google Analytics?

Do you want to track your form conversion in Google Analytics?

If yes then you got the right post because I am going to show the exact same thing here…

By tracking the form conversion, you can easily find the sources where people coming from and filling your form. This will help you to make your strategies accordingly to get more results.

Not only the source of people who filled your forms, rather many other insights that will help you in sharpening your marketing strategies.

In this post, I will help you in setting up form tracking in Google Analytics using the simplest method.

Setting Up Form Conversion Source Tracking In Google Analytics

It’s not easy to setup the Form tracking directly through Google Analytics, you need to have technical knowledge. You will need to configure a goal & add extra tracking code every time you add a new lead generation form on your website.

Isn’t it tedious and time-consuming task?

But it can be easy using the MonsterInsights plugin which is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It will track all your form conversions as events without the need to add codes and manual setup.

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin that shows all Google Analytics data in the WordPress dashboard in a simple to understand way. With this plugin, even a beginner can easily understand the data and take it in use to increase traffic and revenue.

You don’t need to be an expert to understand Google analytics data if you are using MonsterInsights.

It makes it easy to set up form conversion tracking in Google Analytics, even if you are a beginner and do not have much technical knowledge. You can read more about the MonsterInsights in this complete review…

Follow the below steps for setting up Form Conversion tracking in Google Analytics:

Step 1: First you need to install and activate the MonsterInsights in your WordPress website. You can easily install the MonsterInsights plugin by going to Plugins>Add New and search for MonsterInsights.

Step 2: After installing the MonsterInsights plugin in your WordPress website, next you need to install the Forms addon. For that, you need to navigate to Insights>Addons.

Note: For installing the Forms addon, you will need to purchase the MonsterInsights’ Pro or Agency plan because it is not available in the free version of the plugin. You can claim the 50% discount using this link.


Step 3: MonsterInsights will now automatically record the data of all your forms and display them in its report. You can access the reports by going to Insights>Reports>Forms.

You can view impressions, conversions and conversion rate for all your forms.


That’s pretty simple! Isn’t it?

Lead Sources Tracking In Google Analytics

After setting up form conversion tracking, now you might want to know which sources are driving most leads on your site to improve your marketing strategy.

MonsterInsights shows how your forms are performing and which one converts the best. But for knowing the sources, you’ll need to go to your Google Analytics account.

Once you are into your Google Analytics account, go to Behavior>Events then Top Events. You can see the forms as an event category, click on Form.

Next click on the Conversions to see the source of people that have completed the form.

Now you will see all the forms visitors have completed on your site, select the form you want to know sources of submission.

After selecting a form from the list, you need to use the secondary dimension. Click on the Secondary Dimension dropdown and then select the Source/Medium under the Acquisition.


It will show you all sources where visitors who submitted your form came from. In the below image, you can see the people came from search engines and submitted the form.

This is how you can find the form conversion sources and see which are the sources your visitors are coming from.

You can also use the Advanced Filter here to see any particular source, let’s see you want to see the traffic other websites sent to your forms, in this case, Referrals.

Now to set up the advance filter for Referrals, click on the advance next to search bar.

Now select the Include>Source/Medium>Containing and then enter referral in the last field. After entering these details, hit the apply.

This will filter the result and show referral sources for your completed forms. Likewise, you can do for all other sources too.


That’s how you can set up the form tracking on Google Analytics and view all your form conversions sources.

It’s pretty easy to set up the form tracking with the MonsterInsights, you don’t have to learn the coding or hire any Google Analytics expert.

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