How to Get Crazy Engagement with Popular Posts Lists in WordPress?

Do you want to increase engagement in your blog with Popular Posts?

If you show your popular posts list on your blog, it will help you to hold your visitor more on your blog and it will eventually increase the engagement.

But want to know how you can do that?

You can easily do it using the MonsterInsights plugin. I know you might be thinking that MonsterInsights is a Google Analytics Dashboard plugin that helps in tracking visitors on your site with the help of Google Analytics.

And it can be integrated with the Google Analytics and show you all the stats on your WordPress dashboard.

Read more about MonsterInsights in this complete review here…

So, How can it help you in displaying your popular posts list on your blog? Well, It can!

It is like you are asking Google Analytics to show off your popular posts to your visitors. So in short, you are making good use of your Google Analytics data using the MonsterInsights plugin.

Okay now, let me show you how you can show off your popular posts list on your WordPress blog using the MonsterInsights?

I am going to divide this entire tutorial into 5 simple steps that will make it easy for you to follow and do on your blog.

Step: 1 Install & Activate MonsterInsights

Before moving ahead, you need to install the MonsterIsights plugin in your WordPress site which you can easily do by going to Plugins>Add New and search for the MonsterInsights.

Once you have installed and activated the MonsterInsights plugin in your WordPress blog, you are good to go…

Now let’s take the look at the second step.

Step: 2 Set Up The Post Type Custom Dimensions

You will need to create the post type custom dimensions first, this is the most crucial part of the tutorial.

You can easily create the post type custom dimensions by going to Insights>Settings>Conversions and then scroll down to the Custom Dimensions area.

Once you are on the page, click on the Add New Dimension and select the Post Type from the dropdown.

Then you will need to set up the same custom dimensions in Google Analytics. Refer this guide to learn in more detail.

Step: 3 Wait For 24-48 Hours

Once you have set up the post type custom dimension and if this is your first time creating this, you will need to wait for the 24-48 hours to take effect in Google Analytics.

Step: 4 Specify How Popular Posts Are Sorted

Now it is the time to select how popular posts should be sorted and shown on your blog.

For this, go to Insights>Popular Posts>Inline Popular Posts>Sort By and click on Curated Radio button.


Now you’ll be seeing the select posts/search area at the bottom of Curated. You can either select from the drop-down or search by writing the post title.

Once the post select it will be added into the text area, all selected post will be added to the list. You can remove any post by clicking on the X icon in front of the post title that you want to unselect.


Step: 5 Add The Top 5 Posts From Google Analytics

Now let’s see how you can make it show the top 5 posts from Google Analytics to your site.

Navigate to Insights>Popular Posts>Inline Popular Posts>Automated + Curated. You can see the Add Top 5 Posts From Google Analytics toggle button, slide that to make ON.

A Check Configuration button will appear as you make that button ON. Click on the Check Configuration button, if you have done all the configuration right you will see a message like this…

If you missed any important settings then you will see the guidance to make that right.

Once you are done with everything, click on the Save Changes button.

Now you have successfully make it, you can now insert your Inline Popular Posts where you want it to be shown, now visit the page where you added it to see how it displays.

I hope you found this tutorial useful if you did then make sure to share it with others.

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